National Horticulture Mission (NHM)
is one of the sub schemes of Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH) which is being implemented by State Horticulture Missions (SHM) in selected districts of 18 States and 6 Union Territories.For availing benefits and assistance under the scheme, farmers / beneficiaries should contact the Horticulture Officer of concerned district.Operational Guidelines, cost norms of different interventions being promoted under the mission, contact details of Mission Directors etc.
Horticulture Mission for North East & Himalayan States (HMNEH)
is one of the sub schemes of Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH) which is being implemented by State Horticulture Missions (SHM) in the North Eastern States and Himalayan States. For availing benefits and assistance under the scheme, farmers / beneficiaries should contact the Horticulture Officer of concerned district.Operational Guidelines, cost norms of different interventions being promoted under the mission, contact details of Mission Directors etc. are available on HMNEH web site.
National Horticulture Board (NHB)
is implementing various schemes under Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH) in all States and UTs. For availing benefits and assistance under NHB scheme, farmers / beneficiaries should contact the Regional Office of NHB or NHB Headquarters. Operational Guidelines, cost norms of different interventions being promoted by NHB, contact details etc. are available on NHB web site.
Coconut Development Board (CDB)
is implementing various schemes under Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH) in all Coconut growing states in the country.For availing benefits and assistance under CDB, farmers / beneficiaries should contact the Regional Office of CDB or CDB Headquarters. Operational Guidelines, cost norms of different interventions being by CDB, contact details are available on CDB web site.
Central Institute for Horticulture (CIH)
was established at Medizipehima, Nagaland in 2006-07 for providing technical back stopping through capacity building and training of farmers and Field functionaries in the North Eastern Region.CIH now one of the sub schemes of MIDH. However, CIH is not implementing any schemes directly. contact details are available on CIH web site.