Progress Report
1. Online Application Filing Status NPBOLD
1.A. Online Application Filing Status NPB (PFMS Online Payments)NEW
2. Online Application Filing Status PB
3.Online District Progress( Component wise )
4. HTI Progress
5. 1. Online Registered Application Details ( NPB )
5. 2. Online Registered Application Details-PB
6. HO Approved Application after Counseling
6.A. HO Approved Application after Counseling Survival
6.B. HO Photos and Inputs uploaded
7. Applications Approved by District Officer
8. State Level Approved Application
9. Block Officer Approved Applications ( Invoice Entry ) - Financial Release
10. District Officer Approved Application -Financial Release
11. State Level Approved Application -Financial Release
11.A. State Level Approved Application -Financial Release-Inst
12.District Wise and Component Wise - Phy. & Fin. Targets and Achievements
12.A.District Wise and Component Wise - Phy. & Fin. Targets and Achievements ED
12.B.District Wise and Component Wise - Phy. & Fin. Targets and Achievements ED (Block)
13.Component Wise (Targets and Achievements)
14.Difference in Schemes Filing stage & Estimate stage